Page 9 - Q4_2022 Rosendin Corporate Newsletter
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ROSENDIN'S COMMITMENT TO revenue will exceed $2.75B. While many industries
in the country may be retracting, the construction
BUILDING QUALITY industry still forecasts growth and opportunities.
Rosendin's backlog stands at more than $5.5B, with
Rosendin's Mission of "Building Quality, Building our commercial, high-tech, and data center pipeline
Value, and Building People" is reflected in all that we remaining healthy. Our continued success relies
do. "Building Quality" is the opening of our mission on our Internal Research and Analysis Team and
statement. In another historic first for Rosendin, the client-focused culture. The Internal Research and
Quality Department implemented the first annual Analysis Team is instrumental in guiding us to enter
company-wide Quality Week. From November 7 -11, new geographies and markets and continuously
2022, Rosendin's Quality Department encouraged monitors existing markets and trends to make the best
all employees to reflect on the positive outcomes decisions. Most importantly, our client-focused culture
of doing the right thing. Doing the right thing helps to build strong relationships resulting in more
improves trust, strengthens reputation, and creates satisfied clients and trade partners and a better quality
value for customers and stakeholders. The Quality of life for our employees.
Department highlighted the resources and tools
available to employees to ensure that we provide Looking ahead, Rosendin is full of optimism and
a quality product for our customers, internally and excitement for what 2023 holds. We have exciting
externally. Those resources and tools include our projects underway for our teams across the country
QA/Cx (Quality Assurance and Commissioning) Plan, in a variety of markets, including solar, transportation,
QA/QC Certification, and Rosendin's Quality and special systems work, high-tech, and commercial.
Compliance Team. Also highlighted was the critical Rosendin also sees exciting developments and
role that Safety plays in ensuring quality. Our safety innovations from our Technology, Analytics, and
programs at Rosendin are some of the most robust in BIM Teams and the Research and Development
the construction industry, and we take pride in them. (R&D) Department. Innovations in enterprise-wide
Making sure our employees go home at the end of application development, tools, and robotics will
the day with zero injuries is a goal that we take very change and improve our business. It will help us to
seriously. provide the right people with the right information
at the right time and place to help eliminate waste.
HISTORIC REVENUE AND Rosendin's Core Values continue to guide all that we
BACKLOG AND THE YEAR do. Our innovation, flexibility, and ability to listen
to our customers and employees will allow us to
AHEAD continue to thrive in the coming year. We are proud of
As 2022 came to a close, Rosendin continues to everything we accomplished in 2022 and look forward
grow. We can confidently project that our annual to what lies ahead.