Page 3 - Q2_2023 Rosendin Corp Newsletter
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                                  The Future


                                  2023 SAFETY WEEK:             8 8

                                  STRONG VOICES • SAFE CHOICES

                                                                                     WHAT’S IN

                                                                               THIS ISSUE?

                                                             13                                        Quarter 2, 2023

                                                                            Message from the CEO                    4

                                                                            New Boise Office                          11
                                                                            Workforce Development:
                                                                            GCU Graduates                           12

      Engineering in DC:                                   20               Awards & Rankings                       14

      Life Cycle Post Construction                                          Pulse Check                             15
                                                                            Quality: Expanding into the Future      16

                                                                            The Rosendin Foundation                 22
                                                                            ESOP                                    26

                                                                            Meet the Team                           28

                                                                            Connect on Social                       30
      22                                                                    Upcoming Events                         31
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