Page 7 - Q2_2023 Rosendin Corp Newsletter
P. 7

Please explain what strategic markets are and why they          BASE CAMP 2025
      Q are categorized as strategic?
            What we mean when we reference a “strategic market” is
      A simply a market that we currently serve, typically perform              Best Managers in the industry with an
         very well in, and have decided to grow and expand within.              average score of 85% or better as measured
                                                                                by employee engagement survey results.
         Beyond that, a big part of our strategic plan includes seeking
         out new and emerging markets where we see lucrative
         benefits for Rosendin. This can mean entering a market or              Solidifying our status as a Top 3 electrical
         industry that we don’t currently serve or expanding our                contractor in the U.S. while expanding into
         existing operations within a market where we see growth                at least 2 new markets.
         potential. To further clarify, a “market” doesn’t always
         mean a specific type of construction industry; it can mean
         a particular focus on a geographic region, for example, or             For every new process created we will
         focusing on a certain client. This can also include expanding          remove two processes.
         into connected services that happen before or sustain after
         building construction is complete.                                     Increase equity by at least 40% while
                                                                                supporting our future with contributions
          Will you expand on our current strategic markets and                  to retirement benefits at levels that equal
      Q why we chose them?                                                      or exceed current contributions.

            Rosendin’s development and adaptation of our 10-year
      A strategic plan is a relatively new endeavor, so we wanted     You’ve noted that many of our clients have a national
         to start positively with some wins. As we evaluated our   Q presence. Is it ever challenging to build trust and partnerships
         current business, we confirmed that we tend to perform     with these clients when our teams are region-based?
         the strongest and continue to see high-growth potential in
         our renewables, data center, and MPS markets. Additionally,      Although our clients build across the US, that doesn’t
         we have strong footholds in the areas where we perform   A always mean their implementation practices and desires are
         high-tech and special systems work, and we are seeing      consistent. What we want to do first is to actively listen to our
         tremendous growth opportunities in those sectors nationally.   clients and work to understand what their wants and needs
                                                                    are, wherever they are located. For some clients, it’s made
          What does this mean for our other markets, such as        sense to implement what we’re calling “program teams,”
      Q healthcare, commercial, and transportation?                 which consist of Rosendin personnel who work with the same
                                                                    client but in different regions. In turn, these teams meet
            If a market isn’t currently identified as a strategic market   regularly to share experiences and lessons learned from their
      A within our overall strategic plan, that doesn’t mean we are   projects with that same client, helping us to avoid repeating
         not doing business there. At Rosendin, we pride ourselves   issues from one project to another. This collaboration allows
         on having a very diverse portfolio, and every single project is   our teams to implement better practices as we execute for
         impactful in helping us achieve the goals of our strategic plan.   the same client repeatedly. Another positive note for our
         We will continue to do great work in all markets, serving our   program teams is that the information flow can sometimes
         clients’ needs and building those relationships, enabling us to   happen much faster. The client can connect with the program
         become our clients’ preferred and trusted partners in ALL the   team lead, and we can then share that consistent message
         markets we serve.                                          internally across all project teams instead of the client having
                                                                    to connect with several different projects.

                                                                     So what are the next steps to meet our 2025 Base Camp
        MARKETS                                                  Q Goals in Rosendin’s Strategic Plan?
                                                                      We constantly work to confirm our focus is in the right areas.
      We will be our                                             A When it makes sense to adjust, we do, to swiftly capitalize on
      clients’ preferred                                            new markets and opportunities and to intelligently expand
      and trusted trade                                             and diversify our business. Our strategic plan is and will
      partner, swiftly                                              always be fluid. As the Markets Pillar leads, we work with
      capitalizing                                                  teams across the company to keep our Executive Committee
      on new market                                                 informed of market changes as close to real-time as possible.
      opportunities to                                              Additionally, we continue to engage with our clients, big and
      intelligently expand                                          small, to understand and develop ways to better serve them
      and diversify our                                             and to become their most preferred and trusted partner.
      business.                                                     When our clients have a need, someone has to be their first
                                                                    call; and we want it to be Rosendin! 

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