P. 38
required to submit grade sheets to the program chair. Certification of grades will be
given to students by the Office of the Registrar.
o Developing Responsibility and Initiative Among Students
The BS Entrepreneurship students abides by the policy of ISU (See Annexed
Student Handbook). concerning learning through organization, hence, students are
encouraged to form their organization or be a member of existing ones. ISU
recognizes that many authentic learning opportunities are presented to a student by
these organizations. Aside from the Supreme Student Council and CBM Student
Body Organization, recognized students’ organizations such as Global
Entrepreneurs Society are organized to cater students’ extra- curricular learning as
well as student needs. The officers and members of each group were given functions
and duties in order to develop responsibility and initiative among them. Among the
functions and duties are to assist in the implementation of the policies on discipline,
wearing school uniform and ID, classroom attendance, attendance and participation
to all school activities, ,maintenance of orderliness and cleanliness of the classroom
and facilities
o Enhancing the Pedagogical Skills of the Faculty
Faculty members are encouraged to attend and participate in local, national
and international seminars, workshops and trainings on pedagogical skills conducted
by the other institutions, organizations and associations. The university is also
conducting seminars and workshops on enhancing pedagogical skills of faculty
members. Each permanent faculty has the privilege of attending a national and
international seminar, workshop, conference or in-service training once a year which
will be funded by the University Staff Development Board ( USBD )
Faculty members are also encouraged to enroll and finish their masters/
doctorate degrees which are vertical to their line of specialization. They are
encouraged to apply for scholarships sponsored by CHED and the University.
Educational loan is also available for them in case they opt to apply for such.
Seminar/Training Inclusive Venue Sponsoring Faculty-
Dates Agency Participant
A. International
International Conference on December Bicol State College of Bicol State Bides, Leah S.
Technology, Culture and 9-11, 2020 Applied Sciences and College of
Society- ICEPD THAILAND Technology Applied Sciences
and Technology
19 EdukCircle International October International International Gollayan,
Convention on Business 24, 2020 Education Circle Education Circle Jayson G.
The International Association Oct. 2, 2017 Sungkyunkwan Sungkyunkwan Perez,
for Public Human Resource University, South University Exequiel M.
38 | P a g e – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a I I I : C u r r i c u l u m a n d I n s t r u c t i o n / B S E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p