P. 37
3. Non-government sponsored
➢ Describe the system to ensure effective classroom management.
o Maintaining Classroom Discipline
The provisions of classroom discipline are properly stipulated in the student
handbook and are discussed during the first day of classes and also during
orientation programs. Class advisers also do the same and distribute copies of the
handbook to their advisees. These provisions include attendance to the classroom,
wearing of school uniform and ID and compliance to other instructional activities in
accordance with the grading system are enforced. Practice of honesty and integrity
in academic activities and avoidance to cheating, plagiarism, fabrication and other
acts of dishonesty are also enforced. Classroom discipline is maintained in
consonance with democratic practices.
There is an election of classroom officers every semester, as well as the
assignment of group cleaners to ensure discipline inside the classroom.
o Monitoring Student Progress
Student progress in the classroom is regularly monitored through varied
assessment procedures such as written and oral forms. These include short and long
quizzes, preliminary, midterm and final examinations; portfolio, journal writing,
reaction paper, news writing, conduct of research, laboratory experiments, practice
teaching/field study, etc.
Quality student progress is monitored through the implementation of the
retention policy of the Institute. A teacher education student must maintain a General
weighted average (GWA) of 2.5 or better in order to qualify him/ her for sophomore.
In addition, student progress must also be monitored through the university retention
policy, that is, if a student obtained a final grades below “3.0” in 25% of the total
number of academic units shall be placed on probation and shall carry a maximum
load of 15 units only. A student shall be dismissed from the program is he/she
obtained final grades below “3.0” in at least 75% but not less than 100% of the total
academic units.
The progress of each student is monitored through class record which is
carefully kept and updated by the subject teachers. Checking of the attendance is
always done at the start of the class. Subject teachers give feedback to the class
advisers when need arises. At the end of the semester, the subject teachers are
37 | P a g e – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a I I I : C u r r i c u l u m a n d I n s t r u c t i o n / B S E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p