P. 32

Section 1.    All students shall be prohibited from bringing inside the computer
                       laboratory unauthorized software and program which contains virus, including
                       downloading programs without any permission from the instructor.

                       Section 2.    All students shall secure library card to avail of different library services
                       and must abide by the rules and regulations of the library. Library users shall at all times
                       observe proper conduct. Smoking, eating, drinking, making unnecessary noise, loud
                       conversations, and mutilation of library materials, and equipment in the library premises
                       are strictly prohibited.

                       Section 3.    All students shall not be allowed to loiter, create any form of disturbances
                       and shall always keep stairways and corridors and the campus vicinity free from

                       Article IV. Behavior of Students outside the Campus

                       Section 1.    All bonafide students of the university wearing the prescribed university
                       uniform, shall at all times refrain from committing acts that cause embarrassment and
                       disgrace to the university

                       Such acts include, but not limited, to the following:

                       1.1.   Public display of affection or intimacy;

                       1.2.   Drunkenness;

                       1.3.   Disturbance of public peace and order due to the influence of drugs or other
                       harmful substances and also carrying of firearms and other deadly weapons.

                       1.4.   Unruly and boisterous behaviour


               (Based on CMO No. 9, s 2013)

               The Office of Student Affairs and Services provides sets of services that support academic
               experiences of students in order to attain holistic student development.

               The University implements the following student services:

               1.  Student Welfare Services

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