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Section 10. not be allowed to commit any form of littering or unsanitary acts within the
university premises;
Section 11. not be allowed to disturb classes and academic functions in any manner.
Electronic gadget/s such as cell phones, tablets, music players should be shut off or be
switched to silent mode during class hours and during other school functions and
Section 12. not be allowed to commit any form of dishonesty like cheating and
falsification/forgery of any document;
Section 13. not be allowed to organize and maintain any form of unauthorized barricade
or obstruction to any entrance or exit of the university or to prevent, coerce, or threaten
other students and employees of the university from entering to or going out of the
Section 14. not be allowed to be involved in fraternities and sororities using coercion,
hazing, physical harm, or inflictions to fellow students;
Section 15. not be allowed to smoke within the university premises;
Section 16. refrain from public display of affection, intimacy and act of lasciviousness;
Section 17. not be allowed to pierce any parts of their body to wear studs or earrings
particularly male students while in the university;
Section 18. have neatly-done and well-groomed, undyed hairstyle.
Article II. Classroom Behavior
All students shall:
Section 1. always display courtesy at all times and give due respect to any faculty
inside the classroom.
Section 2. enter and leave the room quietly with permission from the
instructor/profesor. Section 3. maintain cleanliness and orderliness of their classroom.
Section 4. observe silence during examinations and while important activities are
being conducted. Any form of noise not conducive in the facilitation of learning inside the
class shall not be allowed.
Article III. Behavior of Students in the Use of School Facilities
31 | P a g e – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a I I I : C u r r i c u l u m a n d I n s t r u c t i o n / B S E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p