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d. Health Services. The University Physician who is in-charge of the health needs of
students and University personnel and staff shall head the university medical and
dental services. The University Physician, together with the Dentists and Nurses,
shall conduct a medical-dental examination to all new students as a requirement for
admission. Medical and dental consultation and treatment may be availed of anytime
during school days. First dosage of medicines is given free as long as stocks are
available. Dental extraction and prophylaxis are included in the dental services.
e. Multi-faith Services. The university provides an environment conducive to free
expression of one’s religious orientation in accordance with institutional principles
and policies.
f. Student Housing and Residential Services. The University provides housing facilities
which shall be equipped and maintained at an affordable price. Dormitory matrons
who supervise as well as extend counseling services to all dormitory occupants
manage separate dormitories for male and female occupants. This unit is also in-
charge of regular monitoring of private boarding houses outside the campus.
g. Food Services. The University leases spaces for canteens or cafeterias, which
provide meals, snacks, school supplies, and grocery items at reasonable prices.The
University, through the Medical Unit, monitors the sanitation and safety of the foods
h. Sports and Socio-Cultural Services. The University acknowledges the need of
students to become physically and socially active and competent individuals through
sports and socio – cultural activities hence, it implements and encourages programs
and activities for the holistic development of students.
i. Safety and Security Services. The Security provides safety and security to all
students, University staff and personnel and university properties. It enforces traffic
rules and regulations and maintains peace and order within the campus.
j. Social and Community Involvement Programs. The university provides programs and
opportunities designed to develop social awareness, personal internalization and
meaningful contribution to nation building.
k. Foreign/International Student Services. The university provides assistance to
address the needs of foreign students.
l. Scholarships and Financial Assistance Services (SFAS). The University offers
several scholarship and assistance programs to deserving students. The selection of
grantees is in accordance with the policies and guidelines of the university and the
sponsoring agencies.
The Scholarship Unit of the Office of Student Services takes charge of
processing and monitoring of all scholarships and other grants which are classified as:
1. University-sponsored
2. Government-sponsored
36 | P a g e – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a I I I : C u r r i c u l u m a n d I n s t r u c t i o n / B S E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p