P. 27

The purpose of a Table of Specifications is to identify the achievement domains being
                   measured and to ensure that a fair and representative sample of questions appears on the
                   test. Teachers cannot measure every topic or objective and cannot ask every question they
                   might wish to ask. A Table of Specifications allows the teacher to construct a test which
                   focuses on the key areas and weights those different areas based on their importance.

                       A Table of Specifications provides the teacher with evidence that a test has content
                   validity, that it covers what should be covered on the syllabus. A Table of Specifications
                   benefits students in two ways. First, it improves the validity of teacher-made tests. Second, it
                   can improve student learning as well. A Table of Specifications helps to ensure that there is
                   a match between what is taught and what is tested. Classroom assessment should be
                   driven by classroom teaching, which it is driven by course goals and objectives.

                       The Table of Specifications of the University is designed based on the list of course
                   objectives, the topics covered in class and the amount of time spent on those topics in
                   congruence with the Course Syllabus. It is composed of Topics covered, The Teaching
                   Time, Percent of Teaching Time, The points to be assigned by the Faculty, The Number of
                   Items to be given by the    faculty based on the points and objectives in the syllabus. Such
                   Items will also be distributed on the KSA (Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities), which are the
                   measurement goals and domains to be covered. Knowledge covers Remembering and
                   Understanding, Skills covers Applying and Analyzing, and Abilities covers Evaluating, and

                       Item analysis is a process that examines student responses to individual test items
                   (questions) in order to assess the quality of those items and of the test as a whole. Item
                   analysis is especially valuable in improving items that will be used again in later tests, but it
                   can also be used to eliminate ambiguous or misleading items in a single test administration.
                   In addition, item analysis is valuable for increasing instructors’ skills in test construction, and
                   identifying specific areas of course content which need greater emphasis or clarity.

               3. OUTCOMES

                   ➢  Present and/or evidences that students’ academic performance is commendable.
                          o  The BS-Entrepreneurship students are consistently maintained their academic

                             School Term/Year          Academic Scholarship    No. of Students

                             First Sem. 2018 – 2019    Assistance to Athletes         3

               27  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   I I I :   C u r r i c u l u m   a n d   I n s t r u c t i o n / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32