P. 22

92-94  1.50   Satisfactory

                                     89-91  1.75   Fairly Satisfactory

                                     86-88  2.00   Good

                                     83-85  2.25   Fairly Good

                                     80-82  2.50   Fair

                                     77-79  2.75   Below Fair

                                     75-76  3.00   Passed

                                     Incomplete    Incomplete     Requirements not fully met

                                     74 and below  5.00    Failed

                              b.  A grade of “5.0” means failure and requires re-enrollment of the subject.
                              c.  An incomplete mark shall be given to a student whose class standing during
                                 the semester is passing but fails to satisfy any of the prescribed subject
                              d.  Completion shall be made within one academic year, otherwise the
                                 “incomplete mark” will automatically become “5.0”
                              e.  Completion form shall be secured and filed at the Registrar’s Office.
                              f.  Completion fee of P50.00 per subject shall be paid at the Cashier’s Office.

                        11. Guidelines for Correction of Entries in the Scholastic Records of Students
                              a.  This shall apply to any request for the correction of entries such as grades,
                                 inadvertent non-inclusion of names of students in the grading sheet and other
                                 matters concerning erroneous entries in the scholastic records of students.
                              b.  A pro-forma request form for correction of entry shall be filed by a faculty to
                                 the office of the Dean stating therein the facts of such erroneous entry. A
                                 filing fee amounting to Fifty pesos (P50.00) shall be paid to the cashier.
                              c.  The faculty shall attach to his/her request the following documents:
                                 authenticated copy of the class/record; and/or other pertinent documents to
                                 prove the claim such as but not limited to quizzes and test papers showing
                                 the result of examination.
                              d.  The Dean shall act on the request within five (5) working days from filing and
                                 submit his decision to the registrar. If the request is granted, the same shall
                                 be forwarded to the registrar to effect the correction. If the request is denied,
                                 the faculty may appeal within seven (7) working days from receipt of notice to
                                 the Executive officer/ Campus Administrator. The decision is final and non-

               22  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   I I I :   C u r r i c u l u m   a n d   I n s t r u c t i o n / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
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