P. 17

Demonstration/Actual  Business Immersion, Business Implementation
                     Discussion           All subjects
                     Drills, Oral drill   NSTP
                     Film viewing         All subjects
                     Group discussion     All subjects
                     Group dynamics       All subjects
                     Group learning       E-commerce, Entrep Behavior, Business Opportunities
                     Group work/Group     All subjects
                     Independent Reading  Entrep Behavior
                     Lecture              All subjects
                     Message relay        E-Commerce
                     Oral Participation/Oral  All subjects, Business Plan, Marketing
                     Public Speaking      All subjects
                     Peer discussion/     E-Commerce,  Business  Plan,  Business  Implementation, Market
                     Peer                 Research
                     Reporting            All subjects
                     Role playing         International Business and Trade
                     Script making        International Business and Trade, Marketing, Operations
                     Sharing reflections   Microeconomics
                     Simulations          International Business and Trade, Opportunity Seeking

               3.      OUTCOMES

                   ➢  Present evidences that course syllabi are updated and approved.

                       The course syllabi of the program are updated duly signed by subject professor and
               approved by the Dean of the college in the beginning of the semester. The syllabi are distributed
               to graduate students as basis for advance reading and reference.

                   ➢  Cite evidences that teaching strategies are efficiently and effectively used

               1.  Students are required to take the summative examinations during the scheduled date.
               2.  At the end of the semester the students are required to submit an output such as term
                   paper, research paper ,reaction paper and among others to test the skills and knowledge of

                   ➢  Show evidences that Instructional Materials are copyrighted/patented.

               17  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   I I I :   C u r r i c u l u m   a n d   I n s t r u c t i o n / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
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