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➢ A motley of pedagogical materials are employed to complement the different needs of
the students in the various skills, as well as to provide aid in the instruction of the
courses pursuant to the goals and objectives of the program and of the institution;
➢ The program also admits the importance of technology in instruction and are thus
adopted in aid thereof; and
➢ Lastly, the program not only reflects, but also applies ethical, cultural, and patriotic
values in the use of instructions, tools, and approaches in the teaching of students as
well as the assessment of their performances.
➢ Present Institutional policies regarding the preparation of course syllabi and other
policies on institutional processes, methodologies and learning opportunities.
A Curriculum Review and Evaluation committee was set up at the University/
Campus/College levels not only to periodically assess the responsiveness and relevance of
curricular offerings but also to propose necessary revisions, and to develop and propose new
relevant curricular programs for endorsement to the University Academic Council. (University
Code, Chapter IV Academic Policies, Article I, Section 1).
All curricular programs are subjected to periodic accreditation by the proper accrediting
bodies to ensure quality and excellence of said programs. (University Code, Chapter IV
Academic Policies, Article I, Section 2)
➢ Major Learning Opportunities
• Description of procedures adopted in the production of instructional materials.
For procedures in the production of instructional materials, the Bachelor of Science in
Entrepreneurship program adheres to the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) aligned
Instructional Material Development (IMDU) Manual of Isabela State University. This manual
stipulates that the teacher is a facilitator of the teaching-learning process and hence the prime
mover in the innovation of instructional materials that make the delivery of education efficient
and effective. It specifies that at the onset, a faculty member prepares a syllabus or modifies an
existing one.
The dearth and prohibitive cost of textbooks and other instructional materials
necessitated the development of teacher-made instructional materials. To hone the teacher’s
ability to develop his own instructional materials and devices, the following strategies were
15 | P a g e – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a I I I : C u r r i c u l u m a n d I n s t r u c t i o n / B S E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p