P. 19
o Enhancement activities are given to open opportunities beyond teaching strategies
and approaches;
o Value-oriented instructions are integrated into the program to contribute to the
students’ holistic development as an individual;
o There is a manual that details the Instructional Material Development Process –from
personal teaching use to patented/copyrighted.
o Training on narrative report construction are conducted in order to teach students in
contributing to the greater body of knowledge as well as to document the entire
business process which will then serve as a guide for the upcoming business
o Traditional lecturing techniques are maintained wherein students are trained to listen
and to comprehend great volumes of information compared with other strategies;
o The recognition and appreciation of modernization as a vital aspect of instruction
through electronic instructional material among others.
➢ Present institutional and/or College policies/system of
assessing academic performances.
1. The students are required to take the prelim, midterm, and final examination as
scheduled by registrar
2. The students are required to present their output on Feasibility Study, Market
Research and Business Plan as part of their subject requirements.
3. The students must have to implement their approved Business Plan as required in
their degree.
➢ In accordance with the Revised Student Handbook (2016), the following are the
Academic Policies:
1. Academic Load
a. The maximum academic load prescribed per semester in the various
programs shall be required of all regular students in all curricular years.
b. The maximum load for irregular students shall be six units lower than the
prescribed academic load for regular students.
c. A maximum of 27 units, except course audit shall be allowed for graduating
19 | P a g e – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a I I I : C u r r i c u l u m a n d I n s t r u c t i o n / B S E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p