P. 24

However, for some meritorious cases such as health reasons and
                                 unavailability of subjects to be enrolled and except his last semester where
                                 he will be allowed a lighter academic load.
                              f.  If any of the above provisions have different interpretations, then the
                                 interpretation not favoring the granting of the honor shall prevail. (BOR
                                 Resolution No. 75s. 2014, effective Second Semester, SY (2014-2015).

                        14. Graduation Requirements for Undergraduate

                              A student shall be recommended for graduation upon satisfying all the
                       requirements such as the following:

                              a.  Application for Graduation

                              A candidate shall apply for graduation at the Registrar’s Office through the
                       College Secretary within four (4) weeks after enrolment during his/her last Semester.

                              b.  Completion of Deficiencies

                              A candidate with past deficiency/ies shall be cleared one month before the end of
                       his/her semester. For a candidate with a currently enrolled subject, requirements shall
                       be completed on or before the deadline set by the College.

                              c.  Residency

                              For transferees, the residence requirement of one (1) academic year must be
                       satisfied immediately prior to graduation.

                        15. Disciplinary Actions
                              a.  Any violation of the Code of Conduct shall subject the student/faculty to
                                 appropriate disciplinary actions and due process in accordance with the
                                 policies and procedures of the University.
                              b.  Any person whom allegedly committed academic infractions shall be given a
                                 chance to explain and defend his side.
                              c.  In the case of a student, a written complaint on the incident shall be
                                 submitted by the aggrieved person to the Department Chair or Dean
                                 indicating the date, time, subject and nature of the offense. The Dean shall
                                 impose appropriate actions.
                              d.  In the case of faculty member or academic and academic-related employee,
                                 complaints or charges shall be by the Human Resource Development Office
                                 (HRDO) in accordance with established rules and regulations of the

               24  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   I I I :   C u r r i c u l u m   a n d   I n s t r u c t i o n / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
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