P. 25
e. In the case of a Campus or University Official, complaints shall be forwarded
to the Office of the Vice President for Academic and Related Affairs, who
shall be responsible for appropriate action.
16. Policies on School Uniform and ID
Wearing of the following prescribed University uniforms shall be strictly enforced
to students at all times within the campus.
a. Official School Uniform/ID
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday
- White polo with patch on the left chest
- Black straight cut pants
- Closed black leather shoes & black socks
- School ID
Wednesday -Non uniform with School ID
Friday - Organization Uniform with School ID
Note: Hair Style – Barber Cut
Monday and Thursday - White long sleeved blouse with necktie Tuesday
- White short sleeved blouse with ribbon
-. Gianpolycheck A-cut skirt below the knee
- Closed black leather shoes
- School ID
Wednesday -Non uniform with School ID
Friday - Organization Uniform with School ID
b. OJT Uniform for OJT students
c. PE uniform for all students during PE classes.
All students must use Official school ID at all times while in the campus.
25 | P a g e – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a I I I : C u r r i c u l u m a n d I n s t r u c t i o n / B S E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p