P. 21

a.  Illness and accident duly certified by a government physician or proper
                              b.  Death of an immediate member of the family.

                        7.  Attendance
                              a.  All students are required to attend the prescribed number of hours in a
                              b.  Any student who, due to inevitable circumstances, is absent from the class
                                 shall secure an excuse slip from the Guidance Office to be presented to the
                                 Instructor/Professor If due to illness, a medical certificate must be submitted
                                 upon verification by the Campus/University Physician/Nurse.
                              c.  Any student who incurs more than 20% absence of the total number of
                                 lecture and laboratory hours in a term without valid reasons shall be dropped
                                 from the class roll.
                              d.  A 15-minute tardiness shall be equivalent to one hour period of absence.
                              e.  Time lost due to late enrolment will be computed in the total number of

                        8.  Class Size
                              a.  The recommended size for undergraduate classes shall be as follows:
                                            Lecture Teacher (input-oriented) -   100
                                            Lecture (participative) -    30-60
                                            Laboratory/Shop work -       30-35
                              b.  The recommended size for graduate classes shall be 10 – 30 students.
                        9.  Substitution of Subject

                              The student may request for substitution of subject/s to be recommended by the
                       subject specialist, Program/Department Chair and approved by the Dean. Subject/s to
                       be taken in lieu of the required subject shall carry the same number of units, course
                       contents and number of hours as the latter.

                        10. Grading System
                              a.  At the end of each term, student’s grades will be given in accordance with the
                                 following approved grading system:

                                     Percent       Equivalent Grade      Description

                                     98-100 1.00   Excellent

                                     95-97  1.25   Very Satisfactory

               21  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   I I I :   C u r r i c u l u m   a n d   I n s t r u c t i o n / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
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