P. 23

e.  In campuses where no Dean is designated, The Department Chairman shall
                                 assume the function of the Dean.
                              f.  The right to file a request for correction of entry shall be within a period of one
                                 (1) year from the date of submission of grading sheet to the Office of the

                        12. Academic Awards

                        University Scholars

                              A full time student who obtained a GWA of 1.5 or above will be included in the list
                       of University Scholars.

                         College Scholars

                              A full time student who obtained a GWA of 1.75 or above at the end of the
                       Semester may be included in the list of College Scholars.

                        13. Graduation with Honors

                              The following are guidelines for Academic Honors: Any student who completed
                       his/her course within the prescribed period for the curriculum and meets the following
                       requirements is entitled to graduate with honors.

                              a.  Prescribed General Weighted Average

                                                     Prescribed General Weighted Average
                                 1.0 – 1.204                             Summa Cum Laude
                                 1.215 – 1.454                           Magna Cum Laude
                                 1.465 to 1.750                          Cum Laude

                              b.  Must not have been charged and found guilty of any violation of existing
                                 University Rules and Regulations;
                              c.  Must not have incurred a grade below 2.50 in any of the enrolled subjects
                                 whether prescribed or not prescribed in the curriculum, academic or not
                                 academic (NSTP-PE) and whether taken at Isabela State University or from
                                 other schools, and in the computation of GWA, only the academic courses
                                 shall be considered.
                              d.  For transferee, he must have completed at least 75% of total academic units
                                 required in his curriculum in the University.
                              e.  Must have taken the normal load or the prescribed number of credits in the
                                 curriculum in each semester, which is a not less than fifteen (15) unit.

               23  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   I I I :   C u r r i c u l u m   a n d   I n s t r u c t i o n / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
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