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Note: For BS Entrepreneurship programs where the last semester is intended for
student teaching, students with deficiencies in minor and major subjects are not allowed
to undergo Business Integration and Business Implementation subjects. However,
students with deficiencies in their subjects is allowed to maximize the number of units,
provided that prerequisites are deliberated.
2. Academic Credit System
a. Generally, every lecture subject with a class meeting of three (3) hours a
week is equivalent to three (3) credit units. A laboratory subject with a class
meeting of three (3) hours a week is equivalent to one (1) credit unit.
b. The sequence of subjects enrolled must be in accordance with the approved
curriculum. Subjects taken and completed without satisfying the prescribed
pre-requisite will not be credited.
3. School Terms
The academic year is composed of three (3) terms, two (2) semesters with
eighteen (18) each and one (1) summer of (six) weeks.
4. Suspension of Classes
Classes may be suspended by proper authorities due to fortuitous events/force
major (natural calamities).
5. Examination Period
a. There shall be prelim, midterm and final examination with 1.5 hours each to
be scheduled by the Registrar.
b. The approved schedule must be followed.
c. Integration period of one (1) day is required before the final examination to
enable students to review and prepare for the examination.
d. Students must have their permits signed by the faculty or proctor during each
e. Laboratory examinations may be given one (1) week before the scheduled
prelim, midterm or final examination.
6. Special Examinations
Students who failed to take the examination on the scheduled date may be
allowed to take special examinations provided that an approved permit shall be secured
from the Office of the Dean.
Valid reasons for the grant of permit:
20 | P a g e – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a I I I : C u r r i c u l u m a n d I n s t r u c t i o n / B S E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p