P. 30


                        a.  All students shall attend the prescribed number of hours in a subject.
                        b.  Any student who is absent due to inevitable circumstances shall secure an excuse
                            slip from the Guidance Office to be presented to the Instructor/Professor. If
                            absence is due to illness, a medical certificate verified by the Campus/University
                            Physician/Nurse shall be submitted.
                        c.  Any student who incurs absences of more than 20% of the total number of lecture
                            and laboratory hours in a term without valid reasons shall be dropped from the
                            class roll. A 15-- minute tardiness shall be equivalent to one-hour period of

                       CODE OF CONDUCT

                       Article 1.    General Behavior

                       All students shall:

                       Section 1.           observe proper decorum and appearance in accordance with
                       university policies;

                       Section 2.           wear the prescribed uniform and identification card upon entering
                       and while inside the campus;

                       Section 3.    not be allowed to bring inside the university premises objects, pictures
                       and literatures that are subversive and morally offensive;

                       Section 4.    not be allowed to enter the university premises under the influence of
                       liquor, drugs, and other prohibited substances;

                       Section 5.    not be allowed to engage in any form of gambling like lottery, or any other
                       schematic activities which enforce monetary and material contributions;

                       Section 6.    not be allowed to bring inside the university premises any explosive
                       materials, deadly weapons and other threatening materials;

                       Section 7.    respect the Philippine Flag, the National Anthem, their teachers, and all
                       officials and employees of the university;

                       Section 8.    be respectful and be proper in their conduct by refraining from using
                       languages and acts that are disgraceful, vulgar, and indecent, which may cause or tend
                       to disturb other students;

                       Section 9.    not be allowed to vandalize, damage/destroy any university properties or
                       materials but rather help in preserving and protecting them;

               30  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   I I I :   C u r r i c u l u m   a n d   I n s t r u c t i o n / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
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