P. 10

Pursuant to the University’s vision of becoming a “leading, vibrant, comprehensive and
               research institution in the country and the ASEAN region,” and University’s Mission “ to develop
               highly  trained  and  globally  competent  professionals;  generate  innovative  and  cutting–edge
               knowledge and technologies for people empowerment and sustainable development; engage in
               viable resource generation programs; and maintain and enhance stronger partnerships under
               good  governance  to  advance  the  interests  of  national  and  international  communities,”  the
               program  aimed  and  tasked  to  develop  future  entrepreneurs  and  train  upcoming  economic
               movers  who  are  competent,  caring,  and  confident,  committed  and  would  contribute  to  the
               development  of  the  community  through their  ventures  by  (1)  enhancing  the  competencies  of
               educators  for  academic  and  professional  development  equipped  with  advanced  training  and
               educational innovations as well as research and extension capabilities, and (2) preparing and
               developing  abilities  to  improve  standards  of  living  and  create  wealth,  not  only  for  the
               entrepreneurs  but  also  for  related  businesses.  Entrepreneurs  also  help  drive  change  with
               innovation, where new and improved products enable new markets to be developed.

                   ➢  Describe how the curriculum was designed, developed, monitored, reviewed and
                       approved by authorities concerned, including the participation of the academic
                       community and the stakeholders.

                   The design, revision and development of the BS-Entrepreneurship program were based on:
               CHED  Memorandum  Order  (CMO)  No.  18,  series  of  2017  for  the  minimum  curricular
               requirements;  CHED  Memorandum  Order  (CMO)  No.  52,  series  of  2007  for  the  minimum
               requirements  for  administration,  faculty,  laboratories  and  facilities;  and  the  results  of  the
               deliberation of the college and academic councils.
                       The 2017 proposed revision of the BS-Entrepreneurship program is in accordance with
                   the  pertinent  provisions  of  republic  act  RA  no.  7722  otherwise  known  as  the  higher
                   education  act  of  1994  in  pursuance  of  an  outcome-based  quality  assurance  system  has
                   advocated  under  CMO  No.  46  s.  2012,  and  by  virtue  of  commission  en  bank  resolution
                   number  231–2017  dated  March  28,  2017,  the  policy  has  taken  its  effect.  Based  on  the
                   guidelines for the implementation of CMO number 46, s.2012, outcomes-based education. It
                   specifies the core competencies expected of BS Entrepreneurship graduates regardless of
                   the type of HEI, this PSG also provides a full space for HEI’s to innovate in the curriculum in
                   line with the assessment of how best to achieve learning outcomes in their particular context
                   and the respective missions

                       The formulation of the curriculum is a part of the basic functions of the college/institute,
                   its faculty members, students, as well as the administration.

                       The  college/institute,  comprising  of  the  dean  and  faculty  members  of  the  Bachelor  of
                   Science in Entrepreneurship, is responsible in developing and revising the curriculum. The

               10  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   I I I :   C u r r i c u l u m   a n d   I n s t r u c t i o n / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
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