P. 5

ENTREP INST 2    Creative and Critical Thinking        2       2
                     ENTREP GE ELEC 3   Business Communication              3       3
                                      Physical Activity Towards Health and Fitness
                     PE 3             III (Dance, Sports, Group Exercise, Outdoor   2   2        PE 1, PE 2
                                      Adventure Activities)
                                      Total                                 25     25

               Second Semester

                                                                                No of Units
                     Course No.               Course Title                 Unit                 Pre-Requisite
                                                                                 Lecture  Lab
                     GEC 6            Science, Technology and Society       3       3
                     GEC 8            The Contemporary World                3       3
                     ENTREP 221       Market Research and Consumer          3       3           ENTREP 212
                     ENTREP 222       Innovation Management                 3       3           ENTREP 221
                                                                                                ENTREP ELEC
                     ENTREP 223       Pricing and Costing                   3       3
                                                                                                ACCTG. 1
                     ENTREP 224       Human Resource Management             3       3
                                      Financial Management ( Financial Analysis
                     ENTREP 225                                             3       3           ENTREP 223
                                      for Decision Making)
                     ENTREP 226       Law on Business Organizations         3       3           ENTREP 213
                                      Physical Activity Towards Health and
                     PE 4             Fitness IV (Dance, Sports, Group Exercise,   2   2        PE 1, PE 2, PE 3
                                      Outdoor Adventure Activities)
                                      Total                                26      26

                                                     Third Year
               First Semester

                                                                               No of Units
                     Course No.               Course Title                 Unit                 Pre-Requisite
                                                                                Lecture   Lab
                     ENTREP GE ELEC 3  Arts and Humanities                  3       3
                                      Mathematics, Science and Technology
                     ENTREP GE ELEC 4                                       3       3
                                      (Desktop Publishing)
                     ENTREP CBMEC 1   Operations Management                 3       3
                                                                                                ENTREP 212,
                     ENTREP ST 1      Business Immersion                    6       2       4
                                                                                                ENTREP 224
                     ENTREP ELEC 2    Agribusiness                          3       3
                     ENTREP 311       Cost Accounting and Cost Management   3       3           ENTREP 225
                     ENTREP 312       Business Laws with Focus on SME’s     3       3           ENTREP 226
                     ENTREP INST 4    Data Science Analytics                2       1       1
                                      Total                                26     22        5

                                                                               No of Units
                     Course No.               Course Title                 Unit                 Pre-Requisite

               5  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   I I I :   C u r r i c u l u m   a n d   I n s t r u c t i o n / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10