P. 4

First Semester
                                                                               No of Units
                     Course No.          Course Title                   Unit                   Pre-Requisite
                                                                                Lecture  Lab
                     GEC 1       Understanding the Self                    3       3
                     GEC 2       Readings in Philippine History            3       3
                     GEC 3       Mathematics in the Modern World           3       3
                     ENTREP 111   Entrepreneurial Behavior                 3       3
                     ENTREP ELEC   Financial Accounting and Reporting      6       6
                     ACCTG 1
                     ENTREP      Climate Change and Disaster Risk
                                                                           2       2
                     INST 1      Management
                                 Physical Activity Towards Health and Fitness I
                     PE 1                                                  2       2
                                 (Movement Patterns)
                     NSTP 1      CWTS/LTS/MS 1                             (3)    (3)
                                 Total                                     25     25

               Second Semester

                                                                               No of Units
                     Course No.          Course Title                   Unit                   Pre-Requisite
                                                                                Lecture  Lab
                     GEC 4       Purposive Communication                   3       3
                     GEC 5       Art Appreciation                          3       3
                     ENTREP GE   Foreign Language                          3       3
                     ELEC 1
                                 Programs and Policies in Enterprise
                     ENTREP 121                                            3       3
                                 Entrepreneurial Leaderships in Organization   3   3
                     ELEC 1
                                 Physical Activity Towards Health and Fitness II
                     PE 2                                                  2       2           PE 1
                                 (Exercise Program)
                     NSTP 2      CWTS/LTS/MS 2                             (3)    (3)          NSTP 1
                                 Total                                     20     20

                                                  Second Year

               First Semester

                                                                                No of Units
                     Course No.              Course Title                 Unit                   Pre-Requisite
                                                                                 Lecture  Lab
                     ENTREP 211       Microeconomics                        3       3
                     ENTREP 212       Opportunity Seeking                   3       3            ENTREP 111
                     GEC 7            Ethics                                3       3
                     GEC 9            The Life and Works of Rizal           3       3
                     ENTREP 213       Obligation and Contract               3       3
                                      Social Science and Philosophy ( Human
                     ENTREP GE ELEC 2                                       3       3
                                      Behavior in Organizations)

               4  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   I I I :   C u r r i c u l u m   a n d   I n s t r u c t i o n / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9