P. 6

Lecture   Lab
                                                                                                ENTREP GE
                     ENTREP ELEC 3    E-commerce                           3        3
                                                                                                ELEC 4
                     ENTREP ELEC 4    Supply-Chain Management              3        3
                                                                                                ENTREP ELEC 4,
                     ENTREP 321       Business Plan Preparation            3        3
                                                                                                ENTREP 311
                     ENTREP 322       International Business and Trade     3        3
                                      Law on Sales, Credit with Negotiable
                     ENTREP 323                                            3        3           ENTREP 312
                     ENTREP CBMEC 2   Strategic Management                 3        3
                     ENTREP ST 2      Seminar in Entrepreneurship          3        3           ENTREP ST 1
                                      Total                                2       21

                                                   Fourth Year

               First Semester
                                                                               No of Units
                     Course No.             Course Title                   Unit                 Pre-Requisite
                                                                                Lecture   Lab
                                                                                                 ENTREP 212,
                                                                                                 ENTREP 221,
                        ENTREP 411    Business Transfer Tax with Income Taxation  3   3
                                                                                                 Entrep Elec
                                                                                                   Acct 1
                        ENTREP 412    Business Plan Implementation 1       5       2        3   ENTREP  321
                        ENTREP 413    Social Entrepreneurship              3       3
                                      Total                                 1      8        3

               Second Semester

                                                                               No of Units
                     Course No.             Course Title                   Unit                 Pre-Requisite
                                                                                Lecture   Lab
                     ENTREP 421       Business Plan Implementation 2        5      2        3   ENTREP 412
                     ENTREP ST 3                                                                ALL Entrep.
                                      Entrepreneurial Integration           3      3
                                      Total                                 8      5        3

               6  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   I I I :   C u r r i c u l u m   a n d   I n s t r u c t i o n / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11