P. 12

Evaluation and improvement of the quality of the BS-Entrepreneurship program
                       in particular will emanate from the concerted efforts of faculty members in the institute.
                       A survey and consultations will be done with the stakeholders. After the revision of the
                       curricular program has been incorporated, it will be presented to the College Academic
                       Council  for  improvement.  After  which,  it  will  be  presented  to  the  university  academic
                       Council  for  further  improvement  before  the  submission  to  the  Board  of  Regents  for
                       approval. The program recognizes the importance of our stakeholders, and with this,
                       they are involved in the process of designing and deciding on what should be included
                       in the curriculum. This involves all the preliminary work that is carried out to ensure that
                       the  curriculum  is  relevant,  appropriate  and  workable.  At  this  stage,  the  curriculum  is
                       conceptualized  and  attention  is  paid  to  arrangement  of  the  varied  components.
                       Considerations include the focus on the philosophical underpinnings, goals, objectives,
                       subject matter, learning experiences and evaluation; all established in consultation with
                       stakeholders.  At  present,  emphasis  is  being  placed  on  the  learner  in  curriculum
                       development activities.

                       •  The integration of recent trends and developments

                               The  integration  of  the  recent  trends  and  development  is  reflected  in  the
                       curriculum  by  requiring  new  subjects  in  the  program  as  the  case  may  be  and  the
                       curriculum will be revised accordingly. It can also be integrated in the related subject
                       and thereby revision and updating of the corresponding syllabus will be considered.

                       •  The updating of course syllabi

                               Submission  of  updated  syllabi  is  required  to  all  faculty  members  handling
                       different courses. Updating any syllabus for a particular subject course is done by the
                       faculty member currently assigned to handle. The output will be reviewed by the other
                       faculty members expert in the subject.

                   ➢  Describe the system used to accommodate students with special needs.

                       Typically,  a  Higher  education  Institution  requires  that  a  student  with  disability  register
                   with the office that provides support services for students with disabilities in order to receive
                   accommodation.  It  is  the  student’s  responsibility  to  request  services  in  a  timely  manner.
                   These offices confirm the student’s disability and eligibility for services and accommodation.
                   Course  instructor  typically  receives  a  letter  from  this  office  detailing  recommended
                   accommodations for a student. The student with a disability is responsible for meeting all
                   course requirements using only approved accommodations.

                   The Institute accommodates students with special needs as contained in RA 7277, Chapter
                   2, Sec. 12 and 17, s.1992.

               12  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   I I I :   C u r r i c u l u m   a n d   I n s t r u c t i o n / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
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