Page 3 - Tee Up Your Speech
P. 3

Tee Up Your Speech: Golf is Like Public Speaking
       T e e   U p   Y o u r S p e e ch:   G o lf  i s  L i k e   P ub l i c  S p eaking

          I’m an experienced speech and
          communication coach and an
          aspiring and emerging golfer. I see
          numerous parallels between
          mastering the skills of public
          speaking and golf.
          I’ve shared them over the years with
          my clients and in my workshops. I
          began to collect them and was

          surprised how many parallels and tips
          I found. I know I will continue to find
          more over time.
          I’d love to hear from you and learn
          about some parallels you see.


          Lynda Katz Wilner, MS, CCC-SLP

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