Page 6 - Tee Up Your Speech
P. 6

Tee Up Your Speech: Golf is Like Public Speaking

         Tip #3



         that practice

         will help.

         If you dedicate time to practice, it will
         make a difference. We know it is critical
         to become a better golfer. You need the
         repetitive practice of a good swing to
         improve your performance.

         Practice certainly applies to public
         speaking. You should not memorize your speech. It will sound too robotic! Practicing and rehearsing
         your speech will make it more familiar and it will flow more naturally.

         Practice your introduction, the body of your talk, and your summary. You can do these in segments if
         you don't have enough time. This will also help if you are interrupted during the presentation.

         Don't forget to establish a practice routine for both golf and public speaking!

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