Page 25 - ProposalBookletLakelandRegMedCenterMOB
P. 25


                   Industry-Leading BIM & Modeling

                             VDC/BIM model of unit

                                                                      Our BIM designers use the latest soLware
                                                                      and technology for design and
                                                                      construc on modeling to the sixth
                                                                      dimension. By “Modeling Informa on to
                                                                      Build,” an electronic file can allow
                                                                      everyone to see the end product, move
                                                                      through the building in 3-D and plan for
                                                                      poten al problems before construc on
                                                                      starts. Our MIB encompasses:
                                                                      · Scanning tools for accurate modeling

                                                                      of exis ng systems
                                                                      · 2D – 6D Services for beKer scheduling
                                                                      and bidding

                                  Concept                        To                  Comple on

       Electrical Proposal

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