Page 22 - ProposalBookletLakelandRegMedCenterMOB
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Healthcare Preconstruc on Team
· Dennis Jones—Preconstruc on Mgr.
Responsible for the supervision of the Commercial Es ma ng Department at the Central Florida
· Troy Chroniger—Sr. Es mator
Has 23 years experience in computerized, on screen and hand take-off es ma ng and 10 years of
experience managing a team from establishing bid opportuni es through final price in mul ple project
delivery methods.
· Andy Burger—Sr. Es mator
Has been employed with Tri-City since 1993 and has 38 years experience in the electrical industry..
Worked his way up from field foreman to senior es mator.
· Gregory Evans—Es mator
Has worked in the field on projects such as theme park rides, restaurants, schools and hospitals. Is a
recent graduate from FEAT and serves on the board of directors.
· Alicia Smith—Es mator
Has worked on es ma ng projects such as theme park rides, medical facili es and hospitals. Has prior
experience in the field as well as basic electronic/electrical course while in the U.S. Navy and electrical
engineering classes at the University of Texas.
Tri-City Electrical Contractors is broken into several divisions which are specific to individual
market segments. While u lizing combined corporate resources, each division is
opera onally and financial responsible for its work and manpower. OLen resources are
shared on an as needed basis to solidify the opera on abili es of Tri-City as large electrical
sub-contractor. Tri-City Electrical Contractors, Inc.
The healthcare Group, part of the commercial division, also shares corporate resources but
is unique in that our es ma ng, produc on and fields resources are not shared by any
other division. Our work is so sensi ve, especially in exis ng facili es, we need to make
sure our staff is specifically trained in safety, electric processes, de-energizing circuits,
tracing out exis ng work, communica on with facili es and other aspects that set apart
healthcare work from other commercial work.
Our Healthcare Group is solely dedicated to work that requires AHCA inspec ons, no other
es ma ng resources, produc on resources or field staff can work on healthcare projects
un l approved by the director.