Page 5 - ProposalBookletLakelandRegMedCenterMOB
P. 5


             Tri-City Health Care Group

             From  complete  Central  Energy  Plants  to  sophis cated  specialty  systems,  Tri-City  Electrical
             Contractors,  Inc.  has  excep onal  experience  with  unique  medical  facility  applica ons.  Our
             installa ons  include  main  power  distribu on,  emergency  generator  power  back-up,  power

             logic  monitoring  and  the  integra on  of  complete  fire  alarm,  nurse  call,  CCTV  and  CATV
             Our  dedicated  health  care  team  consists  of  es mators,  project  managers  and
             superintendents, who have a thorough knowledge of the NEC, state and local codes, as well

             as AHCA standards and have a combined 258 years of award-winning experience.
             We  have  the  capability  to  service  projects  at  any  stage  of  development,  from  new
             construc on  to  complete  retrofit.  With  exper se  in  a  wide  range  of  projects,  we  can

             accommodate  the  unique  needs  and  specialty  systems  necessary  for  everything  from
             emergency power distribu on to complete hospital facili es.

             Tri-City Health Care Group Cer fied Training

             Tri-City has created and implemented a specialized training and cer fica on process for all

             field personnel called the “Healthcare Cer fied” program.  The program is a classroom and on              Tri-City Electrical Contractors, Inc.
             -the-job program that ensures only the best of the best man our most important projects.
             The curriculum is built around healthcare construc on specific prac ces, techniques, codes
             and quality assurance.  It also includes our best prac ces to ensure that we stay current with

             trends and ever changing code compliancy.  This instruc on is then tested where a minimum
             score of 80% is required to achieve the “Healthcare Trained” status.  Then, all field personnel
             must complete a   minimum of 2,080 hours of actual installa on  me on an AHCA inspected

             hospital  project.    Upon  comple on,  our  technicians  are  able  to  apply  for  “Healthcare
             Cer fied” status and must receive the recommenda on of 3      Superintendents to advance.
             It is a desirable achievement that is backed-up with an immediate pay increase.  Only the best
             of the best are able to call themselves “Healthcare Cer fied”.

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