Page 3 - NLH Newsletter October 2022
P. 3

Presidents                                        The  branch  once  again has  a  full  calendar  of
                                                                events  for  October  and  I  encourage  you  to
                                                                participate  in  these  events  if  you  can.  Both
                   Report                                       Colleen  and  I  will  be  away  for  our  October

                                                                social  meeting,  as  we  have  registered  for  the
    September has been a busy and sad month for                 Sydney  Odyssey  which  will  be  in  Forbes  on
    us,  on  the  23   September  we  lost  Colleen’s           the same weekend. I will be looking forward to
    Mum,  she had reached the grand  age  of 101.               catching up with fellow members from all over
    She had lived a great life and was loved and                the  State  during  this  event.  I  know  that  we
    admired  by  her  extended  family.  We  started            have  at  least  6  members  attending  this
    September with our trip into North Queensland               weekend, so we should get some good reports
    and had just completed our stay in Townsville               and feedback on what happens at an Odyssey.
    when we received the news that we needed to                 We are now in the 6-month countdown to the
    head  back  due  to  Colleen’s  Mum’s  health               2023 AGM and Rally to be staged in Lismore.
    deterioration.                                              I strongly urge members to consider travelling
     One  thing  I  did  notice  was  the  number  of           to this event as it is not only the experience of
    motorcycles  that  were  on  the  roads  in                 an AGM Rally but a chance to help Lismore
    Queensland,  particularly  the  further  north  we          get  back  on  its  feet  after  the  devastation  of
    drove.  I  must  say  the  weather  and  riding             recent  floods.  Also  start  the  think  about  the
    conditions  were  ideal  with  temperatures                 2024  AGM  Rally  which  will  be  held  in
    ranging up to 30 degrees. I was amazed at the               Mandurah WA.
    amount of road works that were being carried                Keep healthy and safe.
    out on the Bruce Highway north of Brisbane, a               Mike Abberfield #8158
    lot obviously caused by the heavy rainfalls, but
    a lot were upgrades.
     Just before we left on our adventure north, we
    had  the  unfortunate  issue  with  our  Bunnings
    BBQ  where  they  had  double  booked  the  day
    with  another  organisation,  we  were  the
    unlucky  party  that  had  to  surrender  our  day,
    but the upside was that Bunnings have covered                              Happy birthday to-
    our  costs  that  we  incurred  in  preparation  for
    the  day.  It  was  disappointing  as  we  have
    missed  an  opportunity  to  raise  much  needed
    funds for UCARF.
    Many thanks to our committee members who
    looked after the events whilst we were away.
    During  September  the  Branch  held  a  social

    meeting,  several  rides,  a  coffee  morning  and                      Wedding Anniversaries.
    our monthly BBQ at Brisans Motorcycles.
    On  the  Ulysses  Club  Inc.  front,  I  have  been                Congratulations to the following
    asked,  and  accepted  the  role  of  the  Club’s                            Branch Members
    Public  Officer,  which  is  a  position  that  is
    required under the NSW Incorporation Act for
    all  registered  incorporation  bodies  under  that
    act. This came about due the resignation, due
    to  ill  health,  of  National  Committee  member
    and Public Officer John Osborne.

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