Page 11 - Sound Rides December 2022
P. 11
13-11-22 Wongan Hills
J.C. & Haydn lead a ride to Wongan Hills to ex Freo member Pippa’s “Café of Note” in Wongan Hills.
Everyone enjoyed the ride, & there was mention of an overnighter there soon, so look out for that.
K 9 Dog Rescue
Taff n Tina suggested we do a donation drive to assist K9 with refuge dogs. So, they contacted K9 and
received a list of items they use regularly and are always in need of. So over December/January Tina
and I will collect any donations from the list and we will arrange for them to collect them from us. The
Branch will donate $100 worth of items to go with members donations. Any more info contact Tina
0410946527 or Julie 0402955399.
List of Items for K9 Donation:
WSW Branch are doing a donation drive to assist K9, refuge for
1) Licki Mats (20)
2) Osteo Support Chews: Assists dogs with arthritis
3) Adaptil Spray ($80ea) or
4) Thunder Essence ($30ea)
5) Peanut Paste
Please contact Tina Williams 0410946527 or
Julie Wilcox 0402955399
Please help a homeless dog.
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