Page 6 - Sound Rides December 2022
P. 6

National Rally Meeting at Tony’s

      Blue & Heather Knowles came over with Rex & Jenny Meredith to talk to local members that are
      interested in helping out with the National Rally to be held in Western Australia in 2024. Blue is the
      current National Rally Liaison (NRL), & Rex & Jenny have been Camping Co-ordinators for a number of
      years (& last year had the huge task of moving the camping area to higher ground after the Warwick
      showground flooded at the eleventh hour!). Great to see so many Warnbro people there.

      2023 Odyssey This will be hosted by the Fremantle branch in Dongara at the Seaspray
      Beach Holiday Park.

      Lock in the dates: Friday 22nd to Monday 25th September 2023 There are other
      events in the area that weekend so BOOK NOW as local accommodation will fill up! Call
      direct on 9927 1165 and tell them you are with Ulysses. There is everything from cha-
      lets, apartments and motel rooms, to powered sites with ensuites. Alternatively there is
      the Dongara hotel which is only a kilometer away. Some
      great rides and activities are already being planned so we look forward to seeing you
      there. Cheers Julie Dally 67503

      President - Fremantle Branch Ulysses Club Inc. M: 0409505392

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