Page 2 - Sound Rides May 2022
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President Report May 2022:
Stephen “Coops” Cooper and Janette Pride have both sadly ridden on. Derek and I have had lost so
many friends and family of late, an yet we have also heard of many births within our circle. So I guess
this is what is meant by the “Circle of Life”.
Recently, we had an unfortunate fraud and theft problem with our Branch cheque book. Thankfully all
funds have been returned and the other stolen cheques have been cancelled. During this time it was
pointed out to me that my driver’s license was expired and I have not been legal since August 2021.
So, I am all legal now! So I would like to remind everyone to check their licenses and insurances to
make sure that we are not “forgetting” the important stuff! Thank you Janet Pearce for your efforts as
the Treasurer and I wish you well for any future ventures.
I would like to thank my faithful, loyal and helpful Secretary and Committee for all their support and I
welcome Dianna as our new Treasurer.
We have some new events, BBQ, Holey Moley and the Winter Rally to
look forward too. Meanwhile… See you soon in the great outdoors!
Always take care, be aware and be kind to each other.
Julie Wilcox #35151
Telemachus Medalist #64
Warnbro Sound Wanderers
Ulysses Club Inc
Secretary Report May 2022
Hi Everyone,
As Julie mentioned in her report, we have lost a lot of members & past
members recently. Looking back through some old photos recently, it is
amazing how many have “ridden on”. I think it is a timely reminder to
make the most of life, take a trip down to Margaret river, a few days at
Rotto, a week in Bali or even just a day at the movies or a visit to Swan
Valley. Nothing is more sad than hearing of someone that had a bucket list
trip planned, but sadly passed on just before they could enjoy it.
So remember: you don’t stop riding because you get old - you get old
because you stop riding!
Chris, Secretary
Warnbro Sound Wanderers Branch
June 4th-6th WA Rally Kalbarri. Red Bluff Tourist Park.
September 24th - 26th Geraldton Odyssey Hosted by Geraldton.
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