Page 16 - Exhaust Notes February 2023
P. 16

Feb 2023 Exhaust Notes  - Edition No 322                  

             Midweek Ride – 8  Feb 2023 – Woodend

                                          Ride Leader and Report: Mark Nicoll
                                                      Pix by the Lens

           In Woodend, we went to good old Bourkies Bake House for lunch – one of the
           best bakeries for sure! We were a half-hour later than scheduled, but no sign of
           the Grampians crew yet. So we had lunch and waited, and waited, and waited…
           A couple of phone calls to John H went unanswered, so we wondered if
           something had delayed them. After an hour and a half, everyone was refuelled
           and itching to go, and sure enough as we exited the servo and rode past the
           Bakery – there they were!
           With all of our group sitting on the side of the road, engines running, there was
           only time for me to stop and quickly check in with John. Seems one of them had
           a flat tyre, which delayed them quite a bit.
           Quick apologies and off we went.

           The run after lunch was via Tylden, Daylesford, Spargo Creek, taking some more
           scenic back roads including Spargo Creek Rd (some scary potholes but mostly in
           good condition), Springbank Rd and Black Swamp Rd and into Warrenheip for a
           quick refreshment break. The weather was perfect – sunny, light winds and
           around 25 degrees.

           A couple more departures from here – Raff home to Cressy, and Phil W back to
           Ballan to try and find his lost aerial!

           Last section ridden by the remaining (magnificent) seven haha, via
                                                                                        Lal Lal, Meredith,
                                                                                        Steiglitz, finishing
                                                                                        at the United in
                                                                                        All up around
                                                                                        350km, with the
                                                                                        group all riding
                                                                                        well on mostly
                                                                                        quiet roads.
                                                                                        Thanks to Rob
                                                                                        Van Der Zee for a
                                                                                        great job as TEC.
                                                                                        Thanks all for the

                                                                                        Mark N

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