Page 20 - Exhaust Notes February 2023
P. 20

Feb 2023 Exhaust Notes  - Edition No 322                  
         SOCIAL NEWS

         Geelong Ulysses Social Calendar 2023

         Rob Ashmore is turning 90 on the 8  of March 2023, so the Geelong Ulysses would like to help
         Rob celebrate, with whoever would like to come along to a night, to be held on Saturday 18  of
         March, at 6.00pm at White Eagle House. (For dinner, standard menu)
         Past and present members and partners are welcome.
         If you intend to join us, it is essential to make a booking with Mal no later than the 13  March (late bookings will not be
                        Malcolm Stapleton    0427 281 922

         Overnight ride to Terang

         There has been an overnight ride to Terang organised for the 29  April 2023 At the Commercial Hotel,
         This hotel is an old Art deco type hotel, that has an inhouse theatre for our use .(drinks will be available at bar prices
         from the bar)
         Numbers will be limited , so a first in best dressed with full payment to Mal will occur. Cost will be $60.00 per head
         which will include a continental or a cooked egg and bacon breakfast.
         Dinner will be at the Middle Hotel in Terang on Saturday Night, a short walk from the Commercial Hotel (extra cost ).
         There will be a ride home on the Sunday

         Also confirming that all rooms are reserved for the Geelong Ulysses for the night  18 rooms (10 doubles, 1 twin and 7 sin-
         Bookings and full payment by 18/4/2023
                        Malcolm Stapleton    0427 281 922
                        Bank account Bendigo bank BSB.633000 ACC.158147660
                        Make sure you put down “Terang” (in description or invoice)
                                                    Looking forward to having you join us for a fun Night

            Date         What        Bookings to       Phone              Where              Time      Bookings by

          Sat  18th    Rod Ashmore   Mal Stapleton   0427 281 922    White Eagle House      6:00pm      13th March
           March        Birthday

          Sat 29th    Overnight to   Mal Stapleton   0427 281 922   Commercial Hotel –Terang   Depart loc /  ASAP
            April       Terang                                                             time TBA

         Thanks to James  Rousseaux we are now on  Facebook
         If you have a Facebook account, can you please check out the club page at the link below.

         Press “Like” and “Followers” - Following.     Contact James to  add photos  etc.

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