Page 21 - Exhaust Notes February 2023
P. 21
Feb 2023 Exhaust Notes - Edition No 322
UCARF Raffle 2023
We will be selling raffle tickets in support of the Ulysses Club Arthritis Fund (UCARF).
Mike Abberfield #8158 LM 18, is organising the sale of tickets and he can be contacted by email or phone:
Email –
Phone – 0423379848
The prize is Two general admission tickets to 2023 Australian Moto GP valued at $1,000.00
Tickets are $2.00 each
DRAWN at the Saturday night dinner at 2023 Ulysses Club National Rally in Lismore - 6th May 2023.
The preferred method of payment for raffle ticket sales is by direct deposit to the following Commonwealth
Bank Account:
Account Name: UCARF Raffle
BSB: 062-728
Account Number: 10006294
When making the deposit please add either your name or the branch name into the Descrip-
tion Field. Also send a confirmation email to and to
assist in balancing and identifying payments.
If you cannot make a direct deposit, a cheque can be sent to the National Administration Office. This year
we will not be taking payments via credit card.
All sold and unsold tickets to be returned to Mike Abberfield, 9 Rosettes Street, Fletcher
NSW 2287.
Mike Abberfield #8158, LM 18
UCARF Raffle Administrator