Page 13 - Sound Rides July 2022
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PROUD SPONSOR             Ulysses Odyssey Geraldton

                              Fri 24th - Mon 26th September 2022
                              Geraldton Camp School 347 CHAPMAN Road,
                              BLUFF POINT    Registration fee: $25

     REGISTRATION   DETAILS:   (over 18’s only)  Please print clearly
     Surname                                                Preferred Name

     Email                                                  Mobile

     Ulysses Member        Number                           Branch
     Guest Details:

     Surname                                                Preferred Name

     Email                                                  Mobile
     Ulysses Member
     No.                                                    Branch
     Registration Fee:

     $25 per person (does NOT include meals or accom.)                          Number                       $
     Accommodation Fee:

     Tent Site $20 per tent per night                             f nights                                   $
     Small camper site $20 per night                             f nights                                    $
     Dormitories $36 per person per night         No. of nights                 No. of  people               $
     byo linen, or hire.
     Linen hire $15 per person per night          No. of nights                 No. of  people               $
     Meals:  (optional)  We will only cater food for those that have pre ordered and pre paid.
     Meals must be ordered and paid for on this form
     Catered by Camp Geraldton
     Saturday  breakfast: cereal, bacon and egg roll, fresh whole fruit, orange juice,
     sliced bread, and condiments  $11 ea.                                                              $
     Saturday dinner: Baked lasagne, creamy garlic potato bake, buttered corn on
     the cob, potato wedges, coleslaw, garden salad.                                                    $

     Dessert: Torched Meringue, Chantilly cream, mixed berries  $20 ea.
     Sunday breakfast: cereal, bacon and egg roll, fresh whole fruit, orange juice,                     $
     sliced bread, and condiments  $11 ea.
     Sunday dinner: Roast Pork, crackling, roast vegetables and potatoes, herb
     stuffing, Yorkshire pudding, red wine gravy, apple sauce.                                          $

     Dessert: Chocolate tart, fresh strawberry, mango and raspberry coulis $20 ea.
     Monday breakfast:  cereal, bacon and egg roll, fresh whole fruit, orange juice,                    $
     sliced bread, and condiments  $11 ea.

                                   TOTAL COST (meals, accommodation and registration)    $
     Registration Payment                                                         Registration Enquiries: 0419 919 275
     Cheque or Postal Order made out to “Ulysses Club WA Rallies” Post to: Geraldton Odyssey 2022

     27 Eakins Crescent, Wandina, WA 6530.  or  email  rego forms to:
     Direct Debit details:Commonwealth Bank  BSB  066 274  Account # 1003 3381

     Please put member # as reference
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