Page 8 - Sound Rides July 2022
P. 8

Cartoon character catch
      phrases - who said them?

           Across                                                    Down

           1.   I tawt I taw a puddytat                              2.    More than meets the eye

           4.   Heavens to Murgatroyd                                3.    Cowabunga
           7.   Watch out for that tree                              5.    Andale` Andale` Ariba
           8.   MMM….. donuts                                        6.    Yabba dabba do

           9.   Hey Hey Hey
                                                                     10.  I Yam What I Y'am
           11.  Ay, Caramba                                          11.  To infinity & beyond
           14.  Gunna pull a rabbit out of a hat                     12.  Th-Th-Th-That's All Folks

           15.  The wonderful wonderful cat                          13.  Close friends get to call him TC
           16.  Sufferin' succotash                                  17.  You snickering hound

           20.  I'll do the "thin'in'" around here! -                18.  By the power of grey skull
           And don't you for-git it!
                                                                     19.  Here I Come to Save the Day
           22.  Beep beep
                                                                     21.  Smarter than the average bear
           23.  Whats up doc

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