Page 4 - Sound Rides July 2022
P. 4

Ride to the House of Honey  3 July 2022
     Thanks Chris and Di for the enjoyable ride and Steve for TEC.

     It was a fresh start with about 11 bikes plus one along the way on a fine day with interesting events
     along the way.  When we turned off Albany Highway and round a corner , there was a moment of
     panic when I saw someone with a camera until I realised it was Keith W taking photos.  Coming down
     the bottom of the hill towards Welshpool and a righthand turn, I was behind Brian and Carol and a
     vehicle went through a Give Way sign as we were turning and all made a very sudden stop (  the driv-
     er was given a sort of wave ). Then I had to do a righthand turn into Kalamunda Road and the mark-
     er was in the middle of the road and a foreign driver pulled up behind the marker and would not pass,
     I had to pull alongside and tell them to go. Another time I had to make a left turn and the marker
     must have been colour blind as he saw me with my orange vest and took off, Brian C realised what
     had happened and took over marking the corner ( thanks Brian ).
     I did not carry on to the end of the ride but still did a round trip of 180 kl, it was a great day and a
     good ride.

     Jim Mackie

     Thanks Jim. The rest of the ride was a lot less exciting, but after visiting the “House of Honey” we
     went down “Lovers Lane” near Toodyay - Kay said it was the most romantic thing Dave has done for
     years! The big roller coaster hill in Brigadoon was also a talking point at lunchtime, especially for
     those that hadn’t been down it before. Thanks for everyone that joined us for the day, & Julie will be
     glad to know we didn’t forget her bottle of honey liqueur. Also thanks to the riders that sent a “thanks
     for the ride today” message, its nice to receive some appreciation sometimes.

     Dianna & Chris

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