Page 12 - Sound Rides February 2022
P. 12
TAFF’S TIPS For the Laundry
To get deodorant Want to get rid of
stains off of your unpleasant odors
clothing, use sticking to towels
white vinegar. or clothing? One
Sponge it on, and of the best tricks
then wait for a is to add a little
few minutes baking soda to
while the vinegar works its magic. Then use your wash.
hot water to rinse your clothes off. Baking soda is
great at killing
Need to get rid of odors (which is
a coffee stain? As why it is recommended you put it in your
quickly as you fridge). Your towels should come out
can after the smelling fresh again.
stain occurs, soak
the garment in
cold water. Then
wash it using
detergent and
bleach (make
sure you use
bleach that is safe for colour). If the stain is
set and you don’t reach it in time, use an egg
yolk. Beat the yolk first, and then apply it
using a terry cloth. Work at it for about a
minute and then rinse. You should see
awesome results.
Lipstick stains can be a real pain to remove
from clothing as well, but one handy way
There are lots of ways you can remove red to do it is using a piece of bread! Wad it up
wine stains. You have to act fast as red wine into a ball (get rid of the crust), and then
sets fast. Club soda, salt, kitty litter, or milk blot the stain. You can pull most of it up
are all reported to work. this way, and then the washer should be
able to take care of the rest.
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