Page 12 - Sound Rides April 2022
P. 12

TAFF’S   TIPS                                         For the Laundry

                            If it isn’t dirty, don’t clean
                            it! We are trained to wash
                            our clothing after every
                            wear, but a lot of clothes
                            simply are not dirty after
                            you wear them once. If it
                            still smells fine and looks
                            great, why wash it? Wear
                            it again. If you want, you
                            can spritz a little vinegar
                            on and then hang it
                            outside on the clothes line
      to air out for a bit. This saves time and energy
      and money.

      Vacuum lint out of your                                  Baking soda is a good alternative to bleach.
      dryer. Even if you clean                                 Bleach can damage fabrics, but baking
      out the lint trap every                                  soda is a lot gentler and can still have a
      time, some lint is still                                 whitening effect.
      going to build up in there.
      That can drain your
      dryer’s efficiency by 30%
      over time, and it also is a                                                          Overfilling your
      fire hazard. Twice a year,                                                           washing machine
      vacuum the lint filter out                                                           will result in your
      using the hose attachment. Clean out the                                             clothing not
      external vent while you’re at it.                                                    getting as clean as
                                                                                           it could. Fill your
                                                                                           laundry to around
                                                                                           the three-quarters
                                                                                           mark. If you need
                                                                                           to do additional
                                                                                           loads, that is
                                                                                           better than trying
                                                                                           to stuff the washer

      Use cold water whenever possible. This uses
      up a lot less energy, which will cut back on
      your costs, and it will help to preserve the
      colours in your clothing. Warm water causes                                                  CHEERS
      colours to bleed, whereas cold water
      minimizes this impact. Additionally, cold                                                      TAFF
      water is much gentler to delicate fabrics. You
      can make your clothes last years longer this

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