Page 14 - Sound Rides April 2022
P. 14


                                                             A grave digger comes home all tired and
                                                             exhausted, nearly dragging his hands on the
                                                             ground. “What on Earth happened?!” asks his wife.
                                                             “We were burying some mother-in-law or other,
                                                             and the people applauded so much as we lowered
                                                             her into the ground, that we had to do it again and
                                                             again, eight times over!”

                                                                                    An American guy, a French
                                                                                    guy, and a Scottish guy go
                                                                                    for a beer. All their beers, by
                                                                                    some coincidence or other,
                                                                                    arrive with a fly in it.
                          A grandma and a grandpa are                               The American pushes the
                                                                                    beer away in disgust.
                          going out for their daily health                          The French guy fishes out
                          walk and grandma can’t                                    the fly and drinks the beer.
                          decide. “I don’t know, Joe,                               The Scotsman takes the fly
                          should I wear my bra do you                               out by the wing and yells at
                          think?”                                                   it, “Spit it out, spit it out now
                          “Yeah, Sue, you better, it’s                              ya little hussy!!!”
                          quite muddy out.”

                                                             My wife and I have

     Doctor says to his patient: “Your liver results are     been married for quite
                                                             a few years and my
     back. And frankly, they’re very surprising              wife asked me
     considering that I only allowed you one glass of        recently to get some
     wine per week.”                                         pills that would make
     The patient shrugs: “Do you really think you are        sure I’d be up to some
     the only doctor I am going to?”                         action in the bedroom
                                                             I brought home diet pills.
                                                             Apparently very much not what she meant.

     Keith asks Peter:
     "Wow, so many
     scars. You must have
     had an adventurous                                      My wife’s cooking is so bad we usually pray after
     life!"                                                  our food.
     Peter replies: "No, I
     have a cat.

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