Page 7 - NLH Newsletter December
P. 7

1  December 2021  *  Destination: Blackalls Park??

                                                             Despite forecasts of a 90% chance of 15mm of
                                                             rain, 9 riders on 8 bikes/trikes gathered at
                                                             Freeman’s Waterhole to prove the predictions

                                                             wrong. So with overcast skies, dry roads, full
                                                             tanks and empty bladders (perfect riding
                                                             conditions), we set off on what was to be a
                                                             pleasant but uneventful ride. The only thing that
                                                             was unusual about this ride was that only 4 of
                                                             the original riders made it to our destination,
                                                             fortunately by choice rather than circumstance,
                                                             however more of that later.

                                                             Our first leg was quite a short hop across Sandy

    Creek Rd to Ellalong where we had a very and enjoyable morning tea break at Ling’s Cafe. One
    departed  at this  point and the rest set off on the longer leg via  Wollombi, Yarramalong and
    Cooranbong to Toronto Workers Club for lunch.

    The ride was picturesque with the dams full, creeks running and paddocks green from all the recent
    rain. Fortunately, there were no flood issues, just roads a little more potholed than usual. Only a
    couple of brief, light showers gave any credence to the forecast, but these were not nearly enough
    to deter the intrepid  (decrepit?)  riders. Speaking of which, Dancer caused us some concern by
    pulling up twice without notice. Fortunately it was only a recurring case of numb bum, so with little
    sympathy the rest of us rode on.

    As the ride progressed, we noticed that at each major intersection, one of the riders would turn off
    with a farewell wave. By the time we reached our destination, only 2 riders were left, they being
    our undaunted leader and yours truly.  Two other riders  appeared  soon after so only  4 of the

    originals stayed the course: Peter, Ken#1, Ken #2 and me. Fortunately we were joined by 3 lovely
    ladies/partners to make a lunch group of 7.

    One could be cynical enough to suggest that the
    withdrawn offer of a free sausage sandwich lunch
    at Blackalls Park contributed to the attrition rate.
    Nonetheless, we enjoyed each other’s  company
    over a tasty lunch and then it was off home in our
    various directions.

    In all it was a smooth, comfortable and enjoyable
    ride, again thanks to our legendary “leader of the

    pack”,  Ken T. We  look forward to  seeing  you  all
    back on  the first  Wednesday rides  next year.
    Merry Christmas everyone.

                                                ....John B
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