Page 7 - Exhaust Notes April 23
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April  2023 Exhaust Notes  - Edition No 324               


       Minutes of the Branch AGM Held on 15th February 2023
       Outgoing Committee Attendees President: Jules Pearce

       Vice President: Graham Aitken Secretary: Don Wilkinson Treasurer: Phil Rousseaux Ride Coordinator:
       Mark Nicoll Social Director: Mal Stapleton

       As per the attendance book 29 members were in attendance, with 5 apologies registered.

       New Members
       Lindsay White; previously involved in the 1990’s, ride a restored ST 1100. Visitors

       Dianne B, Jan W.

       New Machinery
       Stan Kluzek; 2015 Triumph Tiger.

       Special Occasions
       Mark Nicoll, Russell Rankin and Trish Hunt; recent/coming birthdays.

       Opening of the Branch AGM

       The 2022 Branch AGM was held at the Sir Charles Hotham Hotel on Wednesday 16 February 2022 and
       was opened by the President at 7:05pm.

       President’s Report Hi Everyone

       Our Branch AGM is on this Wednesday 15 February at the Charles Hotham Hotel. Meals and socializing
       from 6.00pm and the AGM to follow. Fortunately we have nominations for
       all positions as you would have seen from our Secretary Don Wilkinson’s recent emails.

       At the meeting we will also be presenting the Club Person of the Year award and trophy, as well as Years
       of Membership badges.
       This week Don has also sent the information to everyone regarding getting a voting form for the Commit-
       tee positions on NATCOM. You may be aware that Robert Hunt is a

       Geelong Branch member and is seeking re-election. As there are more people seeking positions on NAT-
       COM than there are vacancies, all positions will be contested. If you can
       see the benefits of having a local on NATCOM, then I’d encourage you to consider voting for “our” Rob.

       The organisers of the Geelong Triathlon on Sun March 26 have finally confirmed that they will be using
       our services for the cycling leg of the Triathlon again. I still need more
       volunteers and there is one position that does not require carrying a pillion. Please email me ASAP if you
       can help out with this event,

       Ride safe.

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