Page 8 - Exhaust Notes April 23
P. 8
April 2023 Exhaust Notes - Edition No 324
Cheers Jules.
Member # 62716
Secretary’s Report
Membership enquiries have shown a slight improvement through 2022, with less disruption due to COVID
Our newly appointed Membership Officer has developed and published branch information for prospective
members, which has seen a few potential members enquiries.
Meetings were cancelled in March and October 2022 due to COVID-19 . Meetings have continued to at-
tract around 20 attendees each meeting, being an improvement on 2021.
Our monthly prize draw continues to be popular.
Congratulations to Lindsay Earl for his Telemachus Award, which was presented at the December 2022
Again, we have 8 members being awarded their Years of Membership badges for 10 years or more con-
tinuous membership.
A branch Facebook pager has been established with particular focus on new membership enquiries.
Our Bulletin Board continues to be well used to view ride reports and photos. We encourage all members
to visit the B/B and make use of this facility and post comments.
All Branch communications continue to come via email.
Our main fundraising for the year was again providing motos for the Ironman 70.3 event, held each Febru-
ary and GORM each May; we continue to encourage all members, able to take pillions, to consider partici-
Our participation for this years Ironman event in March 2023, has recently been confirmed.
It is most important we have as many Geelong Branch members as possible, able to provide pillion sup-
port on the day, to maximise our fundraising income.
Social activities, including long rides, short rides and weekends away, have been well attended during the
year and have again been ably organised by Ron Howell and Mal Stapleton. Many thanks to these two
Treasurers Annual Report 2022
This report covers the calendar year 1 January 2022 to 31 December 202