Page 11 - Exhaust Notes April 23
P. 11

April  2023 Exhaust Notes  - Edition No 324               
       Social Director’s Report

       March function will be for Rob Ashmores’ 90th Birthday celebration; 18 March at White Eagle, 14 booked
       with Mal so far.

       Overnighter on 29 April 2023 to Commercial hotel, Terang. $60 per head, bookings essential with Mal

       Expect to issue Social Calendar for next 6 months, shortly.
       Ride Coordinator Report

       Rides from the past month:

       Sun 22/1, Twilight Ride to Moriac, 80km, Led by Mal Stapleton
       Around 20 all up for dinner at the Mt Moriac Hotel. Quite a balmy evening making it pleasant for those
       who rode.

       Sun 5/2, No local ride scheduled, due to many of our members away for the weekend attending the Gram-
       pians Ride to Remember Police Memorial Ride in Ararat and region.
       Wed 8/2, Midweek Ride to Woodend, 345km. Early start at 8am, Led by Mark Nicoll

       12 riders: 9 continued to Lunch. Plan was to meet the Grampians crew at Woodend, but a delay caused
       them to be late. They just arrived as we were leaving!
       A good ride in very good weather – sunny and mid 20’s temp.

       Rides for the next month:

       Sun 19/2, Sunday Ride to Beaufort, Led by Mark Nicoll, 300km. Waurn Ponds 9.30am
       Sun 5/3, Sunday Short Ride to Anglesea , Led by Peter Hall, app 80km. Waurn Ponds 10.30am

       Wed 8/3, Midweek Ride to Daylesford, Led by Graham Aitken, 250km. Waurn Ponds 9.30am
       Black Duck Award: Graham Aitken is then recipient of this award, as on the Ride to Remember in Ararat
       recently, he had the misfortune of losing his bike keys and also suffered from a crook battery and had to
       be jump started several times; well done Graham.

       Welfare Report
       No concerns on welfare issues at this time.

       Rob Pow has agreed to continue in this role for 2023. Thanks Rob.

       2022 Branch AGM Minutes
       The minutes were read out by the Secretary.

       Moved by R. Howell and seconded by R. Badics that the minutes of the 2022 branch AGM be accepted.
       Motion passed on a show of hands.
       Matters arising from the 2022 Branch AGM Minutes.

       No matters arising.
       Committee Elections for 2023

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