Page 14 - Sound Rides January 2022
P. 14

TAFF’S   TIPS                                         For the Laundry

      If you stepped in a puddle or you rode home               You can speed up your ironing by taking a
        in the rain, you can dry out the insides of               sheet of aluminium foil and placing it
      your shoes much faster if you just crumple up               directly on the board, underneath the
        balls of newspaper and place them inside.               cover. The sheet will reflect heat upward,
          The newspaper will soak up the water.                      making the job easier and faster.

        While sorting out your laundry, toss small              Have rust stains on white cotton? You can
      items like socks, underwear, and tights inside              scrub with lemon juice and salt before
        different pillowcases. This saves you from                throwing it in the wash, and the stains
          having to sort them out later, and will                             should come out.
               prevent you from losing socks.

      To keep your pillows fresh, tumble-dry them                                                    CHEERS
      once a week for 15 minutes. This will get rid
      of mites and remove any mustiness. Your                                                           TAFF
      pillows will also come out much  fluffier.

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