Page 16 - Sound Rides January 2022
P. 16

!A stranger enters a store and
                                                                                   spots a sign: DANGER!

              JIMS JOKES                                                           BEWARE OF DOG! Inside, he

                                                                                   sees a harmless old hound
                                                                                   asleep on the floor.
                                                                                   “Is that the dog we’re

                                                                                   supposed to be aware of?” he
                                                                                   asks the owner.
                                                                                   “That’s him,” comes the reply.
                                                                                   “He doesn’t look at all
                                                                                   dangerous to me. Why would
                                                                                   you post that sign?”
                                                             “Before I posted that sign, people kept tripping
                                                             over him.”

                                                             A mother asks her young sons
                                                             what they want for breakfast.

                                                             The first little boy says, “I’ll
                                                             have some @#$%^&
     An Australian, and Irishman and a Brit were sitting     The mother angrily sends him
     in a bar. There was only one other person in the        to his room for cursing. She
     bar. The three men kept looking at this other man,      glares at the other little boy and
     for he seemed terribly familiar. They stared and        asks, “What do you want for
     stared, wondering where they had seen him before        breakfast?!”
     when suddenly the Irishman cried out:                   The second boy says, “Well, I
     My God! I know who that man is - it's Jesus!" The       sure don’t want the @#$%^&
     others looked again, and sure enough, it was Jesus      pancakes!”
     himself, sitting alone at a table.
     The Irishman calls out across the lounge: "Hey!                                A guy goes ice fishing for the
     Hey you! Are you Jesus"? Jesus looks over at him,                              very first time. All of a
     smiles a small smile and nods his head. "Yes, I am                             sudden, he hears a voice.
     Jesus", he says. Well, the Irishman calls the bar-                             “There are no fish under the
     tender over and says to him: "I'd like you to give                             ice!” He ignores it and moves
     Jesus over there a pint of Guinness from me". The                              to another area, cuts a hole,
     bartender pours Jesus a Guinness. Jesus looks                                  and tosses his line in. Again,
     over, raises his glass in thanks and drinks.            he hears the booming voice: “There are no fish
     Then the Australian calls out: "Oy you! D'ya reckon     under the ice!”
     you're Jesus or what?" Jesus nods and says: "Yes,       He nervously looks up and asks, “Lord? Is that
     I am Jesus". The Australian is mighty impressed         you?”
     and has the bartender send over a pot of Fosters        “No, this is the rink manager!”
     for Jesus which Jesus accepts with pleasure.
     The Brit then calls out: "Oii whack, would you be       A man with a huge grin
     Jesus"? Jesus smiles and says: "Yes, I am Jesus".       approaches a priest.
     The Brit beckons the bartender and tells him to         “Bless me father, for I have
     send over a Tom Collins for Jesus, which the            sinned,” he says. “I’ve spent
     bartender duly does. As before, Jesus accepts the       the week with seven beautiful
     drink and smiles over at the table.                     women.”
     Finally, after finishing the drinks, Jesus leaves his   “Do not fret, my son,” says the
     seat and approaches our three friends. He reaches       priest. “All you need to do is take seven lemons,
     for the hand of the Irishman and shakes it,             squeeze the juice into a glass and drink the juice.”
     thanking him for the Guinness. When he lets go,         “Will that cleanse my sin from me?”
     the Irishman gives a cry of amazement:                  “No, but it’ll wipe that stupid smile off your face.”
     "Oh God! The arthritis is gone! The arthritis I've
     had for years is gone! It's a miracle"! Jesus then      A man called his mother in Floreat ,"Mom, how are
     shakes the Australian's hand, thanking him for the      you?"" Not too good," said the mother. "I've been
     lager. Upon letting go, the Australian's eyes widen     very weak." The son said, "Why are you so weak?"
     in shock: "By jingo mate, the migraine! The             She said, "Because I haven't eaten in 38 Days."
     migraine I've had for                                   The son said, "That is
     40 years is completely                                  terrible. Why haven't
     gone it's a miracle"!!!                                 you eaten in 38 days?"
     Jesus then goes to                                      The mother answered,
     approach the Brit who                                   "Because I didn't want
     says: "Back off, mate!                                  my mouth to be filled
     I'm on a Disability                                     with food in case you
     pension"                                                called."
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