Page 11 - RidingOn Winter2022
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National Committee Member Winter 2022 UCARF Report
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Welcome to another committee year as members of this Each donation is gathered by Branches by various means and
wonderful organisation called the ULYSSES CLUB. We have some take a while by holding many BBQ’s or the like and then
a new National Committee, and some new and exciting others by regular things like TOY RUN’s, charity events each
challenges ahead are in store for them and us. year. Whatever way it is decided to gather funds for UCARF, it’s
appreciated and respected.
The first exciting news is that I am in contact with our
Sydney Researchers headed up by Meilang Xue of the Sutton Now, have you a copy of and read the Ulysses Story? The story
Laboratory and she has put forward a proposal that continues of the events leading up to the creation of our Club and events
the focused work of previous projects and has that continued that formed it in such a way that only minor changes to its
dream of targeting Rheumatoid Arthritis and eradicating it from constitution and structure have been needed in the following
our society. years. It’s a fantastic read about Stephen and his mates as they
came together to create the Ulysses Club Inc.
For those that made the S.E. Qld Rally, well done and I
hope you enjoyed your time in the Greater Warwick region. From each sale of the book, the profit made comes to UCARF
Unfortunate that we had a rain burst for 12 hours the night and for a few years, I used to rent out my copy for a gold coin
before opening the gates, but we found out how many of us (or greater) to my local members with that money going to ‘you
and how long it takes, to relocate an entire TENT City. Thank know where’…..
you to the ones that had come early to volunteer because that
Monday morning certainly would not have happened as well as Please keep safe and healthy,
it did without all available hands working as one. An apology
to the rally goers about the announcer of the event, it was Ian ‘Foggy’ Winter
yours truly. Yep, somewhere along the line I had agreed to do UC#53026 TM#59
some announcing for the rally event but from Monday morning
my focus was changed by circumstances, and I became the
travelling microphone. P.S. the showgrounds PA system is
designed for the centre arena only and we were using it as an
entire ground system. It was cranked up to MAX and was in
danger of overload, so we did what we did with what we had.
From my roaming around the grounds for 5 days I got to
chat to many, many people from all over Australia. Without
exception, they all were ULYSSIANS through and through.
Happy to be there and wanting nothing more than that. The
most important thing for me is that the majority knew about
UCARF and what its aim is. For the others, by the time the rally HELP US SUPPORT
was over, the UCARF flag had been flown high by a lot of the
volunteer team and people reminded of its importance to the RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS RESEARCH
Now to the donations since last report by Member and then
Branch (which are many):
Mike Abberfield $90, David & Christine Smith $250, Kristi-Anne
Hill $15 and a Bequeath from Keith Greenland $300.
Branches: $500 Port Macquarie Mid North Coast, $115 Tweed
Border Branch, $45.50 SEQ Branches, $500 North West
Tasmania Coast, $300 Torrens Valley, $800 Newcastle Lower
Hunter, $335 Redlands, $80 Canberra, $300 Hills, $283 South
Coast, $200 Central Victoria, $500 PMMNC, $3680 2022 Rally
Warwick, $75 Hills, $250 Echuca, $200 Mandurah, $453 Blue
Mountains, $750 Ballarat Central, $1,000 Alice Springs Central
Deserts, $500 UCARF Patch Campaign, $121 Southern Cross
Tourers, $131 Macedon Ranges, $1,048 Melbourne.
Patch = $ 6.90
On the note of contributions, the members that are using Button = $ 7.40
UNITED PETROLEUM have, by 2c each litre, donated $2523.00.
Not a bad effort and that shows how many litres we can burn Patch & Button = $13.90
through in a year. Remember some important sayings, (Sticker included)
“It is not the size that matters, just the fact it is being done.” All orders plus $1.10 postage
All proceeds go to
Or Rheumatoid Arthritis Research
“It is not the brand you ride, but the fact that you ride”
Also, heartfelt congratulations to the Northern Beaches Branch Purchase online at:
(Jo DEARNLEY Award) and the Lockyer Branch (Good Joint
Award) for their valuable donations and subsequent awards.
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