Page 12 - RidingOn Winter2022
P. 12
Letters To The Editor
Editor, many members had questions and issues that would have been
important in understanding the changes to the constitution
It was really great to see the Ulysses Club finally being able and how it was to impact on information available to Branches
to hold a full National Rally at Warwick after several years of and perhaps ideas offered that may have helped with issues
cancellations due to the Covid 19 virus. Many thanks to the around the privacy of personal information. When this was
organising committee, for their hard work and perseverance raised in general business at the Extended NATCOM meeting
over years in the planning stage, well done Helen and your on Friday, the meeting was told that there would be plenty
team. of opportunities to raise these matters when the resolution
was put at the AGM and the meeting would be given time
The highlight for me was to see so many bikes in the grand to discuss these. This reminded me of tactics that we had
parade and the warm welcome extended by the Warwick recently witnessed in the Federal Parliament where debate and
locals to our members. Congratulations Warwick. The Saturday questions were shut down when difficult issues were being
evening dinner was also a great achievement with all of the heard.
obstacles that had to be overcome with the wash out of the
circus tent due to the wet grounds. Time to now plan for another trip into Northern New South
Wales for the Lismore AGM Rally in May 2023.
However, I was disappointed in parts of the Annual General
Meeting where the special resolution was presented and after Mike Abberfield #8158 and Life Member #18.
two speakers for the resolution and one against, a motion was
moved to have the motion put. This stifled a process where
Dear Editor and included the changes to Clause 19 which were the subject
of the Resolution. I went on to explain that whilst our work took
As members will know at the 2022 AGM in Warwick Qld, a much consideration, we were unaware of the potential problem
resolution was put to the meeting altering clauses 19d and 19e with Clause 19, and, should we have been aware we would
of the Clubs Constitution. The reasons for the changes were have drafted differently.
explained by members of NatCom before the resolution was
opened to the floor for discussion. As I agreed completely with the first speaker I then moved that
the principal resolution be “put”. If passed, it would effectively
One member with a legal background spoke for the resolution stop further discussion of that resolution. The motion was
and clearly explained that the current provisions of our seconded and passed and the principal resolution was then also
Constitution were contrary to the NSW privacy legislation passed with the required 75% plus majority.
and allowed for a situation where the privacy of a member’s
personal information could be compromised leading to possible Following the meeting, I was approached by many members
serious consequences for the club and its officers. A second to thank me for my actions but also by a few (including one
member then spoke eloquently as to the reasons he believed whom I hold in great respect) to criticise my actions in stopping
the resolution should fail and the current clauses remain. further discussion.
I listened to both speakers and then raised my hand to speak. I wish to make it clear, I did not stop that further discussion, I
simply created the opportunity for the assembled members to
I explained that in 2015 I was privileged to be asked to chair a do so.
subcommittee of NatCom to review and suggest changes to the
Constitution. I was joined on that Committee by Kim Kennerson, Gary Vandersluis
former President and Life Member, and Peter Baulch plus John Member #186 LIFE
Osbourne from NatCom. Our deliberations took several weeks
Editor For Helen Larter #59518, Director, 2022 Ulysses Club National
To Helen Larter, thanks to you and the organisers RallyWe Just watched the interview you did on the 7 Network.
for hosting such a magnificent Rally under such What a wonderful five minutes of promotion for both Warwick and
difficult circumstance, I loved the whole week. the Ulysses Club explaining what we do and who we are.
John Harkin We are sorry that we cannot be there with you and the members.
Cheers, Leanne Hegedus #35217 & Stephen Hegedus